Well, some bad news.
We learned Wednesday (exactly 48 hours before the closing) that we would not be buying the house Friday. Basically I received a text message from Mrs. Realtor that literally said "not closing fri, too much debt". Totally explains everything right?
After anger, tears, and frustrating calls to the realtor we have untangled that the seller is unable to sell us the house because there is an IRS lien on it. He plans on meeting with them next week to try and reduce his (HUGE) debt and clear the house for sale, but everything is up in the air now.
It is beyond frustrating to have endured this whole process and have it possibly be a waste of time, emotions, and money. Basically it would be $410 of inspection money down the drain and possibly another $250 if we have to fight to get our money-in-hand back (it was withdrawn from our account a few weeks ago.)
We are signing an extension of the contract to June 8th, to let the seller hopefully get his shit together. Until then we are left minus $660, stressed, and with a bunch of plants purchased for the shade garden we might not ever own.
More when we know more.
We just found this blog and would love to know your progress! We live in a 1914 home that is a constant and ongoing renovation process!