Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Round two.

Well! Almost a month later and we got the call this afternoon that we will be closing this Friday! I have a decent feeling about this second attempt as many lawyers and the IRS were involved in making sure our title is now clear and title insurance should protect us from anyone ever trying to claim our house from us in the future. In celebration we stopped by the house and after discussing how we would break into our own house, we decided to play safe and just trespass in the back yard. I thought it looked better a month ago, but WOW the whole thing looks like a wonderful green jungle right now.

It was a very bittersweet week however. We lost Queenie Puff Puff to a severe and sudden prolapsed vent. She deserved dignity in the end and I couldn't bear the thought of her suffering through the 90 degree days we have been having. Vets were closed on the weekend and holiday so Will and Dan put her to rest humanely and quickly. She is buried under the pine trees along the house. I am still just so sad and so is Deco, who sleeps alone in Queenie's nesting box now. At the end of the day though, I am comforted by knowing that she is at peace now, with no pain, and that she was severely loved and cared for during her life. Deco is bonding with our white Cochin Rosie, and Satchel the Australorp is going to make a wonderful head hen who will treat her fellow hens with kindness and a firm hand.

Long live the Queen.

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